The Stakes:
- Is your money losing value every day?
- Make your money work for you
- Achieve financial freedom and stop working for money every day
- Don't settle for working until you're 65, take control of your finances now.
You deserve to...
- Get cashflow from your investment
- Get tax benefits from being an owner
- Get opportunities you don't have to work for
- Share the risk so you aren't holding the short stick on your own
- Grow long lasting wealth
Why we can guide you
We know what it feels like to desire passive income. Over the past two years and thousands of hours invested, we've positioned ourselves to help people like you obtain this desire through real estate syndications
The Plan
1 / Schedule A Call
Ensure you are a good fit and learn more about syndciations
2 / Invest
Once a deal is ready to invest in you will be first to know and can get invested
3 / Passive Income
Now that the investment is complete, sit back and wait for passive income to hit your bank account
At Babbitt Investments we know you are the kind of people who want to be financially free. To be that way you need a way to put your money to work in appreciating, cash-flowing assets. The problem is you don’t have the time to do the groundwork to find these opportunities, which makes you feel like it’s only for rich people. We believe that is just unacceptable! We understand the life of busy people. That’s why we do the hard work of finding properties to invest in! Here’s how it works:
We set up a call to learn your investment goals
Once we find a deal, we provide you first choice to review and invest
If it looks like the right fit, you invest and start collecting monthly checks from the property’s cash flow